- Category: Urgent Information
- Published: Monday, 14 September 2015 15:57
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 4753

The National Cadastre is a system of legal and other information regarding all the real properties in the Greek Territory. The information aim at the exact definition of each real property's boundaries and the data publication to the cadastre books of rights and charges (indicatively, among others: full ownership, bare ownership, usufruct, easements, confiscations, mortgages, unterwritings etc).
The cadastral survey for the formation of Cadastre and the Cadastre's operation are respectively governed by the laws 2308/1995 and 2664/1998, as modified and come into effect.
In compliance to the current legislation, specific deadlines are determined. The real properties' owners and all those who are entitled on the real property should submit statements of ownership, objections on the notice boards and applications for the correction of the first documents within those specific deadlines, either before the officer of the Cadastral Office (correction of obvious mistake) or before the Cadastral Judge.
Being well experienced on the real property law
- WE UNDERTAKE the research of your real property to the competent Land Registry and the National Cadastre in any place of the Greek territory where the property is located
- WE PREPARE full dossier with all the required certificates and other supporting documents concerning your undeclared property
- WE PROCEED rapidly, punctually and within the legal deadlines to all the required administrative or judicial procedures for the correction of erroneous first registration as "unknown owner", so that you will be stated as the owner of your real estate and not lose your property.
- WE ASSURE your rights on your real properties.
ATTENTION! If you failed to declare your property to the National Cadastre, then the property is featured as "unknown owner", regardless of the fact that you might hold title of property or contract of ownership. Moreover, in case you didn't manage to act duly within the deadline defined by the law, then you lose your property, since it comes to the State's ownership without giving you the chance to take it back.
For this reason and following the as above procedure, undeclared real properties in 20 Greek areas face the risk to be transferred to the State's ownership within the year 2015. In the year 2016, the same risk will be evident for undeclared real properties in over 92 Greek areas.